

ACMR serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and for those interested in the scholarly study of Chinese music.


At the Thirty-First Annual Conference of the Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) in Rochester, N.Y., October 16-19, 1986, a group of participants with research interests in China held an impromptu meeting to acquaint themselves with one another and their work. It was unanimously felt that similar meetings should be held in the future and that a group should be formed whose membership is to comprise scholars interested in Chinese music, and whose purpose is to establish channels for communication and a forum for exchange of ideas. At least initially, the group catered mainly to scholars living in the U.S. and Canada. Group members met once or twice a year taking advantage of the annual Association for Asian Studies (AAS) meeting (when Chinoperl is held in conjunction) in March-April and the annual SEM meeting in October-November. The possibility of publishing and distributing a periodic newsletter was discussed. An initial list of about sixty names was compiled to whom a letter was sent in November announcing the formation of the “Chinese Music Study Group” (later changed to “Association for Chinese Music Research”). About forty responded in active support of the group. In conjunction with the 1987 annual meeting of the AAS, a group of eighteen people representing about a dozen institutions gathered at Harvard University on April 12 for the first meeting of ACMR.

Discussion List

The Association’s electronic mail discussion list was established in 1992 for the purpose of enhancing communication among scholars and researchers of Chinese music. You do not need to be a member of ACMR to subscribe, but you must be a current subscriber to send messages to the list. List email is automatically delivered to all subscribers. The list address is [email protected].

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ACMR Board


Shelley Zhang
Rutgers University
shelley.zhang (at)

Past Presidents


Matthew Haywood
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
m.haywood1883 (at)


Alec McLane
Wesleyan University
amclane (at)

Newsletter Editors

Bernice Hoi Ching Cheung
University of Toronto
bernicehc.cheung (at)

Ye Zhang Stanton
University of Hawaii Manoa
yezhang (at)

Bibliography Editors

Alec McLane
Wesleyan University
amclane (at)

Chen Chen
Chinese University of Hong Kong
chencherrie_ (at)

Eva (Yi) Yang
Wesleyan University
evayiyang (at)

Online Editor

Bernice Hoi Ching Cheung
University of Toronto
bernicehc.cheung (at)

Members at Large

Adam Kielman
Chinese University of Hong Kong
kielman (at)

Sue Tuohy
Indiana University
tuohys (at)

Student Representatives

Fanyi Faye Ma
Duke University
ma.fanyi.faye (at)